Saturday, November 10, 2007

Across My Universe

It has been exactly 2 months since I last posted in my blog, why? probably becuase I was busy, maybe I ran out of words (hmmm yeah right!) sometimes we just need a break to accumulate lots of life events to plaster over the net.

First I have to comment on the movie I saw, Across The Universe, I don't want to call it a musical because that wouldn't exactly describe what I saw. To me it would be more of a musical reinterpretation of The Beatles' songbook. As you may have guessed by my eloquent and poetic definition, I LOVED this movie. To begin, you have the most adorable and sweet man playing the main character: Jude (Jim Sturgess). Some of you may know that I have a soft spot for deep and expressive eyes... add eyelashes for days and a sensual voice and you had me at "Close your eyes and I'll kiss you...."
Because the last few musical movie experiences had not been up to par with my expectations, I was anxious but cautious. This was one of those movies that captured me right from the first note coming out from his mouth. Musical magical experiences in movies are hard to come by, Moulin Rouge comes to mind. Each song was a mini video in itself, to point out my favorite on or ones is a task. T.V. Carpio did an exceptional job retooling and interpreting I want to hold your hand this set the tone for what would become a succession of amazing visuals and music. Two songs/visual combinations have to be mentioned in this blog.The ensemble's performance of Because, an incredible acapella arrangement that just makes your skin crawl, and the choreographed I want you (she is so heavy).
I've always liked Beatles' songs but this rendition of their art was true to the times they lived and the transition from romantic early-mid 60s to the revolutionary Vietnam era America was smooth and real. This is going to be a sure DVD purchase, I will second anyone who proposes a Broadway adaptation of this magical work.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

No Hay Burro

A nice way to start the weekend is with this mulato brasileiro nicknamed Bandido.

He is obviously the object of the cameraman in this video clip whomever he might be, Thank You.
On Sunday I went with the boys to see Stardust, I admit I wanted to see it because of Michelle Pfeiffer. She is in my opinion an incredible actress that is not as appreciated as her work of art deserves. The last time I saw her in a worthwhile flick was in "What Lies Beneath". I was not disappointed. The movie was fun and not overly ambitious, with the right amount of subtle adult humour and eye candy. Prince Charming was one of those adorable brunettes that can pull off long hair.
But don't let those droopy eyes, furry chest, bitable lips,the "protect me" aura............... ehm... where was I? oh, don't let those qualities fool you, he is a up and coming actor that is also putting in jeopardy the long lasting position that Jake Gyllenhall has had in my "allowed to cheat with" list.
In general the whole ensemble was cohesive and fun with beautiful cinematography and enough fx to keep us die hard fantasy/scifi geeks interested.
Monday and Tuesday were days of remembrance, another anniversary of 9/11. So much has happened since then and at the same time so little has changed. I really try not to think much of it, every time I see documentaries and TV specials about that dark day emotions take a hold of me and cloud my judgement. I really think our nation and the world is ready for some real Hope and some sort of global reconciliation... how we will achieves this... I don't know but if History has taught us anything is that " No hay mal que dure 100 años, ni burro que lo aguante".
After 5 years of singing with the Gay Men's Chorus and besides all the drama that has come together with the musical commitment, I realized this Wednesday in rehearsal that this group of men and the institution per se is one of the main anchors of my sanity. It keeps me grounded with short term achievable goals and a group of friends/brothers that accepts me with all my quirks and personality traits (or at least they make me believe they do).
Second week of my working out at the Park with Les, I have increased the interval to 3 times a week.... I am loosing weight, I have more stamina and in general I think my endorphins levels have increased to an addicting level. Let's see if I can pull it off... for my birthday/Xmas concert I expect to have a Montreal '04 level of fitness.
Cambio y Fuera

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Pi-ro-po \pi-‘ro-po\n. pl-pos [Sp. Piropear]1. An amorous compliment 2: A flirtatious remark.

There are those words that are very hard to translate without them losing all of the impact and significance they have in it's original language. Piropo is one of them. In Latin culture there is a very common practice among men to compliment women with smart little poem like phrases. Women ( and gay men also) usually act nonchalantly towards these comments because it is the right way to react ( well bred people) but in most cases they just love it.
In American culture the closest thing we could find that has a similar appeal is the pick up line. Although the pick up line, as the name implies, has a defined purpose; the piropo does not. In context the piropo is just meant as a token of admiration of the beauty or sexiness of the "victim" and usually it is done in a public environment where there is an increased chance of not seeing the admired person ever again.
The reason for this blog entry is that this week as I was walking down the streets, sunglasses and ipod blasting Chayenne's Salomé and maybe I was sort of walking with the rhythm of the music- well this guy passes by me and says "It should be illegal for something this hot to be out in the streets with this heat wave"... I could only smile and feel refreshed that after all these years of cynicism and aloofness these kind of gestures totally make my day, what the heck it made my year.
With all this culture of sexual harassment and political correctness it bring hope back to life's routine to know that old fashioned courting and spontaneity is still alive ion the XXI century.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sloppy Seconds

I saw this movie at home the other night, you know those nights when there is absolutely NOTHING to see on the stupid box. I thought it was time to grab one of my gay flicks from my "to see" list. There are some movies with the homo thematic that assume that just because it has man on man love scene we LGBT members should just run and see it. Well, we do. We do it for the same reasons we go see every single Broadway musical adaptation into movie, we buy every Cher, Xtina, Madonna and Kelly CD before listening the them.... to keep them coming.

Seriously, some of these movies don't even try, they just grab a bunch of hot straight actors who are "comfortable with their sexuality" that are hoping that they will be the next Jack Twist or Ennis Del Mar. This movie, Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds" (yes, a SEQUEL), is about this gay lonely average looking gay guy (American Idol alumni Jim Verraros) who is dumped by his "out of your league hot" boyfriend Marc (Brett Chuckerman, look at those eyes Daniel-pic #1). Of course he and his pair of nymphomaniac fag hags have the same art class.... and guess who is the male model for the day, sexually confused Troy (Marc Dapper- Sorry Matt he IS mine). To get into Troy's pant they join into a Coming In group of ex gays where they meet Octavio (Adrian Quiñones) and we have the trio of male hunkiness needed to make a gay flick...well, gay.

At the end it turns out that after making Marc jealous with Troy (and Troy discovering he is bisexual....ehmm yeah) Jim Verraros ends up with Marc and they live happily ever after. I would not call this the worst gay movie ever.... but definitely worth it if you have a friend who has the DVD because the pseudosex scene between Marc and Troy is really HOT, and I know about hot scenes on the screen. ;)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ay Dios Mío!!!

Anyone who knows me can attest that I just love men in cloth. Repressed Catholic urges? My admiration for his willpower to be chaste? I wasn't abused by my Priest when I was a kid?
I came across this thought after going to Mass on Sunday with David, after a long absence from church, and seeing this advertisement for sexy priests calendar.
Going deeper into my Id I can probably discover that all these emotional symptoms of infatuation with unavailable men can be somehow explained by what my therapist told me 12 years ago: I had an incapacity to love.
It isn't as terrifying as it sounds, although nobody warned ME about that when he just splashed it at me. What we discovered together is this fear of being hurt and left alone. I create all these expectations that are so hard to fulfill. So, to avoid being disappointed, men who are unable to engage in a relationship (married, vows) are easy target for my affections. I don't have to worry about being hurt because it will never sublimate
beyond a crush or an affair. I've tried to let go of those impulses to pursue normal "healthy" flirtations. As expected, I loose interest. Now before y'all label me as an emotional stunted Hobbit, I have to mention that I have been in relationships, and very mature ones too. The problem is that as I grow older and " wiser" the list of Dos and Donts just increases leaving less space for spontaneous spur of the moment flings.
It could also be that THE person just hasn't shown up, I admire those who can just meet a guy and shackle up after 3 weeks. I am just waiting for someone who shows up with a dozen daisies at my doorstep ( and real flowers please... sorry you know who) and invites me to go to Ramona to see the shooting stars on a blanket and a thermos with coffee.
Until then, I'll just confess myself with Padre Patricio on the left.

Friday, August 17, 2007

ATWT 8-17-07: The K iss (Short Excerpt)

I don't watch Soap Operas but this was televised today... first teenage gay kiss in tv daytime history

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rufus Wainwright - Rules and Regulations: Closed Captioned

And my Rufus has a new video. His Melancholy is so sexy, I definitely dig that in guys.


Last week I went to see The Simpsons Movie with Daniel and Mateo. I have been a fanatic of the show since I can remember. In Chile it was shown very very late at night because of the "adult" language. My fan status can be proven with the simpsonized picture of myself on the left done on a website call SimpsonizeMe.
There are few thing in life that can catch my attention beyond 90%. Actually, Matt said it the other day, I have the attention span of a humming bird. True, I can't deny it. Little to late to take Ritalin ( or maybe not). Well, I usually do multiple thing at a time while watching TV, but when The Simpsons are on I just wiggle my tail and sit with my puppy eyes watching the stupid box. Why? I think the main reason I enjoy it is of its subtle but in-your-face criticism of our society with multiple uses of pop culture references. Those obscure jokes that only the hardcore trivia junkies laugh at. Besides that I can relate so much with Lisa Simpson, the studious over achiever goody two-shoes that believes in the goodness of humanity and in eternal search of the "perfect boy".
I would normally get irritated by Homer's stupidity and laziness. Somehow he finds a way to make me empathize and take his side. I mean how can you get mad with someone who saves a pig from being slaughtered and makes up a song for him. Spider Pig...Spider Pig.
Homer is right, how foolish it is for someone to pay to see something he can see for free on tv.... but, isn't foolishness what makes us attractively human and not a cartoon?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

We are ALL just Stardust...

Last weekend I went with Wes to see the movie Sunshine. I admit it was mainly because it had two things I enjoy in a big screen: Scifi and Chris Evans. To my surprise the movie had a very well woven plot with many philosophical messages. When you go see these type of movies you have to put the hardcore science aside and submerge yourself with the premise of the flick. The whole story happens 50 years in the future. Our Sun is "dying out" there is no apparent explanation for this as we all know the Sun will not die of natural reasons for another 5 billion years. So we are left with the idea that "something" happened maybe some sort of Q-Ball hit it.

What did strike me throughout the whole movie is how small and vulnerable we are compared to the immense space. Humans had to use all fissable material from earth to create these two stellar bombs with their respective ships. The bombs were the size of Manhattan and even that in stellar size is minuscule. This bomb has to be dropped into the Sun and "reignite" it. The meat of the movie relies on the journey and not on the mission per se. As we reach the climax of the story one of the character quotes Carl Segan and says "We Are All Just Stardust", I was amazed how this resonated to my Catholic self.
Sometimes I find spiritual/religious meanings in the most random places. Being an out gay man people assume I am just an atheist sex machine with no moral or spiritual compass. Maybe I do project that to make myself more "unreachable" and theoretically not prone to disappointments. On the other hand people who really know me can see how far from the truth that premise is.
As we watch the news and read the headlines about all the trivial things that happen around us I ponder on all the reason we find to compartmentalize ourselves; race, sexual orientation, nationality or political affiliation. In the end aren't we all made up of the same leftover molecules from millions of years ago. Maybe love is just that... you meet someone whose molecules come from a star that was orbiting the supernova your stardust came from and your gravities just want to get back together.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Girls Night Out

Last night a group of friends got together for a "girls night out"... It was one of the funniest gatherings I've had in a while. You know, when you don't have to worry about impressing the date or watching that you don't sound to aloof or to clingy. It was Yudi, Brent, Eric, Jeff and I. The conversation went from pop culture to men type. It always amazes me how different people have such diverse taste in men, in a sense it is comforting. I guess the real dilemma is that you have to find a guy that is your type AND at the same time YOU are his type.

After dinner we grabbed our asses and went to MO's to check out the crowd, we ran into many chorus divas line dancing their hairdos away. I have never line danced or 2 stepped or anything remotely close to white choreography. Well, they started teaching a new choreography and I said "why not" I grabbed Brent's hand and we all went to learn it. Wow, and I thought vogueing was hard... I never felt so "white" learning the new steps, next time I will not wear flip-flops and I will arrive at 6 to learn the moves beforehand. This is happening again, I am having a good time doing fun group stuff...Board games and spin the bottle are coming next.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Beam me up Sexy

One of the best news coming out of Comicon last week was that Sexy Sylar from Heroes, also known in private as Zachary Quinto is going to protray a young Spock in the next Star Treck movie which will be a prequal of The Original Series. There are rumors that Mr. Robbie Williams is been sought to play young Kirk. OK... producers what are you trying to do... the first gay scifi? I mean Star Treck is pretty gay in a geeky sort of way, adding these hunks is just going to make me want to learn Vulcan shan-hal-lak !! (look it up). BTW Zachary is a name I would use for my kid.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Bite in Me

I don't easily get bothered or set aback by someones opinion of me.... usually. Last Friday I had dinner with a chorus acquaintance, we have had the usual nice polite interactions and many email exchanges but never a face to face mingle. After the usual courteous exchanges and the mini family bio, I asked him to tell me his opinion of me. I don't recall all that was said or the details on how we got to that conversation but one thing has stuck with me 'till today. "Your sense of humor has a bite". It wasn't said in a matter of fact way, it was actually inferred as something very negative worthy of a Mel Gibson or Imus rehab. It got me thinking because I know that my light hearted personality and sense of humor is what gets me places and dates. was it?
I don't need to make an appointment with Dr. Crane to realize that it is a defense mechanism a-la-Chandler Bing (I think Mateo will appreciate all my pop culture references). Growing up I was always the new kid in the block moving every other year between Gringoland and Chile. I wasn't good at sports, girls were ok but not my forte, I was very smart and studious ( not a popularity mix), but I had my personality, always laughing, making jokes and optimistic. I became President of my High School class, had a cheerleader girlfriend and hanged with the southamerican rugby/soccer/rugby clique of my private school.
Once in the gay world it was this sort of sense of humor that kept me (and many) afloat in the subculture life we lived under a Catholic conservative Hispanic culture. You had to learn to say a lot with a few words and a wink. We call it "conchazos" in Chile, a way of finding the others little defects or hidden details and using it for comic relief. It is true that not everyone has the mental stamina to take this without being offended, but it is also true that once you knew me you'll see that it is not done out of malice but out of making dynamic and fun dialogues.
I started to make inventory of my best friends and their personalities: Mr. Sarcastic, Mademoiselle Bitchy, Mama Subtle, etc.... they all have something particular that makes them fun to engage with. I asked Norman if I should change that... and he said what I would've answered if I had asked myself.... no.... it is what makes
I spent so many years trying to be liked by everyone.... I think there are other personality traits that really need change ( like my love/sex dichotomy....but that is another blog).

Monday, July 16, 2007

There's A FIne Fine Line...

After a very taxing and overwhelming whole day rehearsal on Saturday a group of us chorines went to dinner Napa Valley Grill and then headed to see Avenue Q. What a delight, for starters we were treated with a superb ensemble, good seats and a fun crowd. I will start by saying that I am in love with the understudy who performed the main roles that night, Seth Rettberg. What a treat beautiful voice and stellar performance. One of the songs that resonates 'til today was Kate Monster's There's a Fine Fine Line:
There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend;
There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend;
And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb.
There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Antes y Después.. The Week in Review

I hate to be this lazy and just do a review post, but July has been and is going to be a very hectic month so I am going to pull a week in review.

Saturday was a relaxed day, I went to see Transformers with a friend. Movie was OK, besides the hunky robots with incredible metal toys I think we could totally eliminate the human characters and the movie would not loose a bit of fun. I am very smitten with Jazz:
There is something about a male robot with big shoulders and thunder thighs with the added fact that afterwards he turns into a Solstice.

After the movie I went shopping for new clothes as I needed I white tshirt for the Padres' National Anthem gig and some new stuff for my new job that started in Monday.
Sunday was amazing!!! and that is the reason for the title of my blog. My life will be divided in a before and after this moment. Besides the foolish and very small protest from a few losers with red tshirts with the legend "Save Our Kids" the stadium was almost at full capacity and during our singing we just heard applause and roars. By the end of the song I just had to let some tears drop, this was just overwhelming. I think this day was a wake up call for all of us who ever wondered of the importance of putting yourself out there.

One sad event occurred during the weekend, my cat Alexandria escaped and while I was chasing her I fell and twisted my ankle ( still today the size of a grapefruit), I could never catch here. Monday morning I found her dead in the garden. RIP.

As mentioned above I started a new job at UCSD's Cardiology on Monday. Talk about a change of pace, from 20 to 120 mph. wow. I do enjoy it, a mix of all new things and thriving under stress. My colleagues are all fun and hyper like me, disaster waiting to happen?

I have laid very low on the dating for July, (sorry guys I will be available very soon :)) I still think of y'all.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

National Anthem not for All?

As Pride weekend approaches a slew of emotions rush through my head. When we have a couple of queer channels, a dozen of out actors/singers and the lesbian daughter of the Vice-President giving birth to a child you pretty much start thinking that all is done and that the purpose of these civic events have outlived their purpose. Then along comes a so called christian that just makes you wake up from the stupor with his vitriol about gay agendas and children indoctrination. All this in regards to the Gay Men's Chorus singin the National Anthem at a Padres Games July 8th.
We live our lives watching 80s video clips in youtube clicking Buy Now buttons in Amazon and thinking all is just fine and dandy, and that it is only a matter of time before Jake Gyllenhaal works up the nerve to ask your hand in matrimony. Activism is such a harsh word because it evokes street protests and in my case Chilean Carabineros throwing sewer water from huge tanks to disperse the "communist" from the public view. This a preconceived notion that does not fit the way to protest in the XXI century. It is time for us to fight fallacies with truth and real information.
I really hope that some day Pride as an activity would just serve the same purpose as St. Patrick's Day parade or Rockin' Eve, until then the more people realize how " the gays " have fun, cry and fall in love just as any other son of God the better for all humans as then we will be able to confront the real problems that concern us as a species.
Back to our regular programing:

Monday, July 02, 2007

All out of love - Air Supply

Well this officialy Melancholy week...after watching La Vie en Rose I went through memory lane and what better homage to nostalgia than Air Supply

Sunday, July 01, 2007

La Via de La Rosa

Every once in a blue moon you encounter a performance that just floods your senses and overrides your emotions. The first time I heard the Little Sparrow sing was in the ealry 80s, in a movie called La Ley del Deseo directed by Pedro Almodovar. The song was Ne Me Quitte Pas and it made me realize how I thrive with melancholy and nostalgia. These feelings may seem pessimistic or even emotionally masoquistic. I digress, you never feel more alive than when life is colored sepia and everyone seems to be looking away from you. Things that are hard to conquer give you the greatest satisfactions. My most prolific time as a poet was in my early 20s before I became Mirandesquely (Miranda Hobbs) cynical. Platonic loves and being misunderstood by my peers just made me long for men who seemed defenseless or situations in which I was needed to provide comfort.
All these thoughts came to my mind as I saw the biopic of Edith Piaf last Friday in the movie La Vie en Rose. Besides the fact the Marion Cotillard gave an Oscar worthy performance it was the tragic story of someone who overcame life's lemons and made not only lemonade but planted the seeds and grew lemon trees. Probably this kind of story does not resonate in the instant gratification society we currently live in, but it certainly shows an example of why some of the so called Divas nowadays need to just look back a few decades and realize that that title was earned and if they were bitches it was because they did everything without making excuses...Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Chick Flick Experience

Usually I shrug and roll my eyes with esoteric mumbo jumbo spewed when someone tells me that with a change of attitude you can turn anything around in life. Following my previous blog I did just that, changed my perspective and attitude towards meeting people. Shedding off all the "bad habits" acquired by the last 5 years of bachelorhood in SoCal.
Yes, I met this wonderful person last Friday, and what usually would've been a simple coffee conversation turned into 3 1/2 hrs of laughter and flirting. It was so refreshing that we ended up spending the whole weekend together. Cheese and Wine, Movies (Keri Russll's The Waitress ) and a walk holding hands sipping a venti nonfat latte. You know the whole chic flick experience. Last night we saw the movie 300.. The movie Sarah Silverman said was named that way because in a scale from 1 to 10 on how gay it was... it was a 300.
Of course I couldn't leave without a tear jerking video by Spanish Diva Ana Torroja:

Friday, June 22, 2007

All you need is love

I have decided from weekly introspection to change my attitude towards meeting people, well I think it is more of a returning to the attitude I brought from Chile before I was SoCalisized. This shift was provoked by rewatching a movie that melted my defenses and energized all my puerile crushes of years gone by.... Moulin Rouge. "Love is a many splendid thing love..." were the word uttered by hunky Ewan McGreggor that resonated with my inner Latin lover.
Perusing the Internet I came across Cheyenne Jackson, cuddly and hunky out actor of Broadway who did a very cute performance of The Elephant Love Medley with Jai Rodriguez. So, I started being less fickle and meeting people for coffee and movies without having sex or dating in mind. I have so many prejudice of what a guy must look, how much post high school education he must have and if he doesn't know how to pronounce my name with the rolling rrrrs and all. I have to admit it has been quite liberating and I have met very interesting people. Although I love the chorus and it fills my life, I have to expand my circle of people because I truly believe that online or clubs is not where I am going to meet that shower singing partner that I have been rehearsing for so long.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Do I Disappoint You? - Rufus Wainwright

This is from Rufus Wainwright's latest cd, the video is an amateur interpretation... I just felt speechless when I saw it.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Flames to Me

Well, I couldn't help myself and took a "friend" to see Fantastic 4: Rise of The Silver Surfer last night. I can't say it was awesome, although the 1 minute shirtless scene of Chris Evans coming out of the shower was worth the $10.50 all by itself. It was an improvement from the first installment, probably because we got all the genesis of the group out of the way. As I mentioned before that Spidey 3 was overwhelmed by subplots this flick was lacking a little in the writing department. One thing that did bother me was Jessica Alba's fake blue contact eyes, they really looked fake and together with the very bad blonde coloring I had to wish they did a Shear Genius with her.

Special effects were awesome peaking during the last fight between Doom and Torch. I would tell anyone who is a scifi freak like me to go and see it (and those lusting for Chris' hairy trimmed pecs). I will wait for the 3rd sequel as all of them have signed for three movies.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Travis : Sing

I was just shown this song from a group I had not heard before... vey interesting

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Listening to some oldies and thinking ahead in the choreography of our Diva concert coming in July I started thinking of my favorite Madonna Vogue renditions. These are my favorite 3;
Of course number 1 is the MTV presentation

#2 is The Girlie Show Tour version

and finally The Re-Invention Tour

Monday, June 11, 2007

Roseline is not just a plot device

Last Saturday a group of us from GMCSD went to see a play called Bunbury at the Diversionary Theatre, one of the best theatrical experiences I have had in a long time.

It all started with a nice pre show dinner at Park House Eatery including Ralph, Ed Fink, Carroll and yours truly.
Of course it wouldn't be a real chorus cultural outing if the waiter/bus boy wasn't just drop dead hot. It made it quite easier to wait for an excessively long time for our dinner to be served. As some of you may know when we went to see Wicked I was given a drool bucket because our waiter (Rory..yes I remember),hmm.. how can I explain it, had incredible calligraphy and loved animals. Fortunately, I had an extra bucket because Ed just can I put it... star struck. He was so distracted that when our food finally came he started complaining that his was very spicy, no matter what he did the "caliente" just didn't go away, trying to cut out the outer layers of his pork and double dipping it in the "dark ranch sauce?" he had in his plate didn't seem to work. Fortunately Mr Bus Boy disappeared from the scene as Ed finally realized 3/4 of his plate gone, that the dark sauce was not ranch but a very Spicy Mole. God Bless ya!!

Finally we got to the play, there were approximately 17 of us, as usual Ralph had nice locations right in front of the stage. Nobody warned us that there would be nudity in this play, I'm still wearing an eye patch until the ophthalmologist can take Aaron Markote's gluteus maximus that I still have stuck in my eye. wow...JLO watch out!!!. The whole plot revovoled arround two characters...sorry plot devices, Roseline (Romeo and Juliet) and Bunbury (Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest) and how they changed literature by altering the endings of various masterpieces of the word. There are many references to known works (The Portrait of Dorian Gray, Goodbye Mr. Chips, Who's Afraid of Virigina Woolf) and dark pieces (well dark for this Latinamerican Literature disciple). I would give this play my best rating, 7 thumbs. The acting of Bunbury (David McBean) is out of this world and by itself worth the money. Coming Next... Avenue Q!!!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Pre Bunbury dinner

Ed and Ralph harassing the busboy at Park House Eatery

Friday, June 08, 2007

Paris and Cravings

I am as shallow as the next gay guy, don't be fooled by my good boy glasses and my laptop full a SPSS biostatistical output. This whole Paris Hilton fiasco is just way beyond my tolerance of superfluous input. After seeing that spoiled brat crying after the judge, rightfully so, told her to get her skinny ass back to jail to finish her 45 day sentence. I mean if Martha Stewart was able to spend all her sentence in jail and make the best of it why can't this woman/girl do it. I really am surprised how this issue just takes up 70% of all the medias attention when we have the president appointing an anti-gay physician/preacher to be the nation's Surgeon General, or how there are only 2 hotties in the top 20 finals of If You Think You Could Dance. I am not sure who I like most, Kameron or Pasha of course I am talking about dancing attributes.

Next week I am going to audition for 2 songs for the chorus, Constant Cravings from K.D. Lang and Bernadette Peters' Time Heals Everything. I am not sure which one of those two songs I emotionally engage more but I will be annoying my roommates for the next few days while a rehearse them in the shower.

I just learned that there is a biopic of Edith Piaf coming out June 15th and also the sequel to Nightwatch at the Ken... being the musical whore and scifi bitch that I am... time to come up with some dinner/movie dates in the next few days.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Ass man

What can I say...moblogging from Twiggs I just can't let this beautiful derrier go unshared

I should not let time pass by without writing something on here, being the information junkie that I am. My memory cells get saturated with info and if I let time go buy hot men and showtunes replace other valuable non shallow data.
See what I mean ---------------------------------->

The past week was a very eventful week, job wise I am a step away from a new UCSD appointment to do research in cardiology: Ultrasound assesment of endothelial-dependant flow-mediated vasodilation of the braquial artery in hypercholesterolemic patients and hyporesponders to ezetamibe. Sexy right!!!

Friday I got together with my dear friend Cecilia, compatriot and colleague who is getting married in a few weeks ( I know, straight people still do that) since her fiance was in Vegas in a "spiritual retreat" I took her to Top of the Park for her first fag hag outing. She has a blast with "All the Hot men are gay" nuh uh I told her we would give her half the people we know if she gave us Jake Gyllenhaal. We were supposed to go bowling for a chorus outing but the queen forgot to call beforehand and 5 minutes before the event some of us were warned that the whole place was reserved for a private party. booo
I ended up going to Bourbon Street with Frankie, I had not been there in 4 months, I actually danced my brains out and got pretty lucky. :)

To end the week in a nice and healthy way Norman, Matt and I went to Balboa to have a nice Sunday in the Park with Mito. We made constructive criticism of our acquaintances and we played Uno ( there is something about that game that brings the evil bitch in the holiest of us).

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Lunching with mija

Having lunch with Norman at Taste of Italy and blogging from the cell phone

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So I went to see Wicked this past Sunday, I only have on word to describe it, Haunting. I know I said a few days ago that expectations are a turn off because usually things or people don't live up to them. Well, the contrary also applies. When something surpasses your wildest dreams it is a feeling you cannot describe. Eden Espinosa and Megan Hilty portray the main characters flawlessly, Elpheba's Defying Gravity was hair rising and perky Glinda (with a silent GA) had this amazing chemistry with everyone she interaced with. As a good card carrying gay man Fiyero did fill my cutie quota for the night; Kristoffer Cusick made the whole experience worth the drive to and from LA.
All my platonic loves come rushing back to my memories as I listened to "As Long As Your Mine" and "For Good" made me cry as it defined my relationship with most people I care about or would like to keep in my life.
I am definitely going to see this again.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Chris Garneau

Clip of the day...this is a new video from gay singer/songwritter Chris Garneaou... he reminds me of someone... awesome!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Maggie Gyllenhaal - Just The Way You Are

Clip of the day... My sister-in-law singing the ending of the movie Happy Endings

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Shrek, Idol and Silver Surfers,
Last Tuesday I went with Daniel, Michael and Norman to see Shrek the Third. I have to admit I think I laughed way too much, fortunately these new animated movies are not mainly targeted to kids (although kids today now more of "life" than wen I was 12). I have an full blown crush on Puss n Boots, there is something about a furry guy with over dilated pupils that just makes me melt.

I mean the dialogue is superb:
Prince Charming: You! You can't lie! Where is Shrek?
Pinocchio: Well, uh, I don't know where he's not.
Prince Charming: You don't know where Shrek is?
Pinocchio: On the contrary,
Prince Charming: So you do know where he is!
Pinocchio: I'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that I undeniably
Prince Charming: Stop It!
Pinocchio: Do or do not know where he shouldn't probably be. If that indeed wasn't where he isn't!

Idol.... well Jordin won, she definitely is the better singer but not the best performer. My Blake (and of course his bootilicious) is still the one to watch. Hope he comes out soon, we have a spot in the chorus for him.

And finally I am counting the days 'till the opening of Fantatstic Four 2. I mean there is a lot to say about a hot silver guy, who surfs and has the power to destroy the world...hubba hubbba.

Plus the visual enjoyment of watching Chris Evans flaming away...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tengo todo Excepto A ti

It's incredible how spanish songs have a way of saying things you seldomly find in english lyrics

yey!! Today Erasure releases it's new cd... the first single's video was made by asking fans to send clips of random kisses. My favorite sport :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday, Monday
Thank God for my ADD, it keeps me going and lurking through greener pastures. Yesterday I had some gastrointestinal issues that made me have a very low key Sunday, it also made me sort of gloomy as you can see by the tone of yesterday's grayish blog entry.
There is this 80-90s group from Spain that was very successful in Chile and most of latin america called Mecano, their lead singer, Ana Torroja , has one of the sweetest and luminous voices I've heard in my life time. Reviewing my Spanish songs yesterday listening to those tear jerking lyrics, I started reminiscing of those days of platonic loves. You know, those guys that made the heart go into a gallop just by sitting next to him. I use to write poems, in fact organized my Med School's Literature Contest so good lyrics always attract me to a song. Well there are two songs that describe a pivotal time in my gay love life. "Me Cuesta Tanto Olvidarte" by Mecano and "Can't fight this feeling" by REO Speedwagon.

This one hits so close to home, Most of the men in my life started as friends and our friendship just evolved into something deeper. The conflict of not wanting to loose the complicity of friendship but at the same time the flow of emotions blind any kind of rational decision.

Me Cuesta Tanto Olvidarte.... It's hard for me to forget you... (google has a translate option)
Entre el cielo y suelo hay algo
con tendencia a quedarse calvo
de tanto recordary ese algo que soy yo mismo
es un cuadro de bifrontismo que
solo da una fazla cara vista es un anuncio de Signal
la cara oculta es la resultade mi idea genial de echarte
me cuesta tanto olvidarteme cuesta tanto olvidarte
me cuesta tantoolvidar quince mil encantoses mucha sensatez
y no se si sere sensatolo que se es que me cuesta un rato
hacer cosas sin querer
y aunque fui yo quien decidio que ya no mas
y no me canse de jurarte que no habrasegunda parte
me cuesta tanto olvidarte
me cuesta tanto olvidarteme cuesta tanto ...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

There is nothing worst than expectations, although I preach about not "wanting" specific reactions or attitudes from others; I can't follow my own advice when there are non rational variables in play. As I grow older cynicism and pragmatism have taken a hold of my everyday interaction with others, this is not very useful in the relationship department either family, friendship or love. These past few weeks I had forced myself to be the guy I was 10 years ago, emotionally vulnerable, candid, detail-oriented with a dash of puerile.
The reason for this diatribe is that I have decided that even though my emotional life has not gone as expected (suddenly Seymour comes to mind), I am going to make an effort to fight my instinct reaction to turn away at the first disappointing experience with someone whom I perceive to have more pros than cons. Eventually someone will appreciate the warmth and details that I throw at him. This blog is going to be an escape valve for thise foggy moments when I just wanna say #@%$@%@#$%@%# on an email or phone call. To this I only have to add the epitome of a relationship for me

Friday, May 18, 2007

Catherine Tate - Translator

As a bilingual man, I have to admire people who speak more than two languagesm, how about SIX!!! This is amazing!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This gloomy morning seems adhoc that I found this romantic short film inspired in Rufus Wainwright's The Art Teacher.
I shared this with a friend of mine telling him this is very similar to some episodes of mi life, to wich he replied: "you like straight men or distant, unavailable corporate types" hehe although the distant unvailable always makes a guy interesting, it wasn't that. I've have had various crushes with teacher types, but also I tend to find very attractive men who have something to teach and share. Guys who know what the do and have something to pass on. Also I did find the main character sort of vulnerable and I always fall for a guy who "needs" me... maybe that is why I became a doctor.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Rufus Wainwright - Going to a town

Finally a new cd from the love of my life Rufus...what can I say, awesome!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Top 5 Music from Moives
Annie Lennox
Lord of The Rings Return of the King
Into The West

Julie Andrews
The Sound of Music

Whitney Houston
I will Always Love you
The Bodyguard

Ewan McGreggor
COme What May
Moulin Rouge

Annie Lennox
Love Song for a Vampire
Bram Stoker's Dracula

Feliz Día de la Madre- Happy Mother's Day
Of course this day had to start with a blog to the
bestest woman in the world ( Oedipus Complex anyone?) although we are thousands of miles away, I would not be the person I am today ( yeah gay if it weren't for my incredible mother. TE QUIERO MONY!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Tracy Thorn - It's All True

One of the best groups of the 90s EBTG's (Everything But The Girl) lead singer Tracey Thorn releases a new cd and this first single has a retro 80s feel and a unique video. Now to by her CD!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Why do birds suddenly appear...
Today I woke up with my endorphins at maximum force. I have this wicca ( well maybe more of a curandera feeling) that something really good and life changing is going to happen during this weekend. Alberto has invited me to a Mama's Kitchen Fundraiser I just hope it's full of hot single philantropist... someone like:
A man can dream....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Le Grand Bleu - The Big Blue Overture

This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I want my honeymoon on these islands surrounded by a big blue.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I don't know why every time I hear this song my eyes just get moist... I am supposed to be this cold hearted scientist ;) maybe I am reliving a sort of high schoolish crush again? stay tuned

OK I definetly caught the love bug.

Someone please stop me!!!!

Well as many of you may now I am a geek and love my fantasy/scifi. Hence, when you add man on man love to the previous concept you have my perfect flick. I never was a fan of Dr Who, probably because growing up trying to understand the brit accent took away the fun of watching a time traveling collegue. But last year I learned that the franchise was spinning off a new series with one of its characters that happened to be gay AND the actor playing Captain Jack was no other than Broaway out singer...well you have to guess, hint: he sang Night and Day in the Cole Porter homage movie. Torchwood is the name, it just finished the first season accross the pond and we wont see it here in the states at the end of the year at BBC America. Of course I couldnt wait and have seen a few episodes in youtube. For your viewing pleasure here is an excerpt of the season finale.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Spiderman Spiderman...
So I went to see Spiderman on Sunday, honestly besides the hot tight suits (specialy the black spidey suit that definitly gave him more bootty) I thought theat they could've done bette with less plot lines. To much going on made it hard to really engage with the antagonist and even with Peter Parker. CGI was awesome as usual, you wouldn't expect less with a 300 mill budget... But please spare the huge american flag waving in the sky as spidey comes to te rescue, I expect that from the RNC not from my superheroes movies. I would not tell someone not to go see it, just don't go when all the "urban" families go with their 4.5 kids.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Lately I have been in a search for nice soulful male voices as we are really bombarded by all these diva wannabe female singers. Cristóbal forwarded me this clip of this incredible singer (and the facy that he is hot does give him more bonus points).

Friday, May 04, 2007

People have been asking me what exactly was I doing to Brent's ears on the dinner table. I decided to pur all speculations to rest because we both have reputations to keep, well sort of :)

As you can see there is a safe distance between my tongue and his neck? ears?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Dining Out For Life Blog

After weeks and weeks of planning, and countless bulk emails to the Chorus listserv, the day finally came for our participation in the Dining Out for Life event. As the organizer, I prompted myself to be the first one there (obviously, I also wanted to make a reconnaissance of the prime seating for the best “views”). By 6 pm there were just three of us, but five drinks had been served at our table……hmmm. As the evening went on, the chorines started dropping in and the bottles of water kept coming. (yeah, sure) We had a very keen eye on whom to give our Info Night flyers. So inspired and dedicated were we that some also added their own phone numbers on top of the Chorus’ contact information--so much dedication can only be found in a nunnery.
It came time to head out to our dinner venue, Gulf Coast Grill. Of course, you would think there would be no problem getting these athletic men to enjoy a nice walk from Baja Betty’s towards GCG, you know…five blocks. Guess again! I will not say names, but only 40% walked there--can’t say if it was car logistics, cosmetic touch-ups or wardrobe malfunctions.

Finally, all made it and we were pleasantly joined by other GMCSD men as we were sitting down at the table. A second round of beverages started with water for some and some sort of grape juice also made it to others. Things started getting cozier as Mr. Brent (T2) ordered oysters, something about them being aphrodisiacs; of course being the empiric scientist that I am, I refuted that as being merely some urban legend…boy, was I wrong as you may have witnessed from the paparazzi pictures that circulated on the web the next day.
We had such an amazing time that we didn’t even notice that by the time we had finished eating and laughing, it was way beyond the time to go eat dessert, so we grabbed our belongings and left to join Erik at the Caliph for karaoke.
At this point I should point out that we became a bunch a gay singing frat boys invading everywhere we went, because the queue for singing became as emotive and tearful as that little girl crying for Sanjaya on American Idol. We never thought that once Matthew (you know--five years undefeated Cutest GMCSD Member) got the microphone, he would not drop it. Mr. C. surely didn’t Lose His Religion while at Breakfast at Tiffany’s (we would like to thank our own dear Elphaba Vasich for being Matt’s backup singer). There was also a group rendition of Cher’s I Got You Babe (hope we didn’t scare anyone from auditioning!). Finally, midnight came and our parole officer and ankle bracelets started reminding us that it was time to go home. I was ready to go, but just needed to get Jake G.’s attention. Even though the guys insisted it wasn’t him, but I can sense envy a mile away.
Thanks all!!! See you all at the next Chorus outing.
