Monday, June 25, 2007

The Chick Flick Experience

Usually I shrug and roll my eyes with esoteric mumbo jumbo spewed when someone tells me that with a change of attitude you can turn anything around in life. Following my previous blog I did just that, changed my perspective and attitude towards meeting people. Shedding off all the "bad habits" acquired by the last 5 years of bachelorhood in SoCal.
Yes, I met this wonderful person last Friday, and what usually would've been a simple coffee conversation turned into 3 1/2 hrs of laughter and flirting. It was so refreshing that we ended up spending the whole weekend together. Cheese and Wine, Movies (Keri Russll's The Waitress ) and a walk holding hands sipping a venti nonfat latte. You know the whole chic flick experience. Last night we saw the movie 300.. The movie Sarah Silverman said was named that way because in a scale from 1 to 10 on how gay it was... it was a 300.
Of course I couldn't leave without a tear jerking video by Spanish Diva Ana Torroja:

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