Saturday, September 15, 2007

No Hay Burro

A nice way to start the weekend is with this mulato brasileiro nicknamed Bandido.

He is obviously the object of the cameraman in this video clip whomever he might be, Thank You.
On Sunday I went with the boys to see Stardust, I admit I wanted to see it because of Michelle Pfeiffer. She is in my opinion an incredible actress that is not as appreciated as her work of art deserves. The last time I saw her in a worthwhile flick was in "What Lies Beneath". I was not disappointed. The movie was fun and not overly ambitious, with the right amount of subtle adult humour and eye candy. Prince Charming was one of those adorable brunettes that can pull off long hair.
But don't let those droopy eyes, furry chest, bitable lips,the "protect me" aura............... ehm... where was I? oh, don't let those qualities fool you, he is a up and coming actor that is also putting in jeopardy the long lasting position that Jake Gyllenhall has had in my "allowed to cheat with" list.
In general the whole ensemble was cohesive and fun with beautiful cinematography and enough fx to keep us die hard fantasy/scifi geeks interested.
Monday and Tuesday were days of remembrance, another anniversary of 9/11. So much has happened since then and at the same time so little has changed. I really try not to think much of it, every time I see documentaries and TV specials about that dark day emotions take a hold of me and cloud my judgement. I really think our nation and the world is ready for some real Hope and some sort of global reconciliation... how we will achieves this... I don't know but if History has taught us anything is that " No hay mal que dure 100 años, ni burro que lo aguante".
After 5 years of singing with the Gay Men's Chorus and besides all the drama that has come together with the musical commitment, I realized this Wednesday in rehearsal that this group of men and the institution per se is one of the main anchors of my sanity. It keeps me grounded with short term achievable goals and a group of friends/brothers that accepts me with all my quirks and personality traits (or at least they make me believe they do).
Second week of my working out at the Park with Les, I have increased the interval to 3 times a week.... I am loosing weight, I have more stamina and in general I think my endorphins levels have increased to an addicting level. Let's see if I can pull it off... for my birthday/Xmas concert I expect to have a Montreal '04 level of fitness.
Cambio y Fuera

1 comment:

Dany said...

how did you get a hold of my boyfriend's video? the cameraman was either a family member or sooooo in love with him....

...and we do love you the way you are....kinda. lol :-)