Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I should not let time pass by without writing something on here, being the information junkie that I am. My memory cells get saturated with info and if I let time go buy hot men and showtunes replace other valuable non shallow data.
See what I mean ---------------------------------->

The past week was a very eventful week, job wise I am a step away from a new UCSD appointment to do research in cardiology: Ultrasound assesment of endothelial-dependant flow-mediated vasodilation of the braquial artery in hypercholesterolemic patients and hyporesponders to ezetamibe. Sexy right!!!

Friday I got together with my dear friend Cecilia, compatriot and colleague who is getting married in a few weeks ( I know, straight people still do that) since her fiance was in Vegas in a "spiritual retreat" I took her to Top of the Park for her first fag hag outing. She has a blast with "All the Hot men are gay" nuh uh I told her we would give her half the people we know if she gave us Jake Gyllenhaal. We were supposed to go bowling for a chorus outing but the queen forgot to call beforehand and 5 minutes before the event some of us were warned that the whole place was reserved for a private party. booo
I ended up going to Bourbon Street with Frankie, I had not been there in 4 months, I actually danced my brains out and got pretty lucky. :)

To end the week in a nice and healthy way Norman, Matt and I went to Balboa to have a nice Sunday in the Park with Mito. We made constructive criticism of our acquaintances and we played Uno ( there is something about that game that brings the evil bitch in the holiest of us).

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