Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So I went to see Wicked this past Sunday, I only have on word to describe it, Haunting. I know I said a few days ago that expectations are a turn off because usually things or people don't live up to them. Well, the contrary also applies. When something surpasses your wildest dreams it is a feeling you cannot describe. Eden Espinosa and Megan Hilty portray the main characters flawlessly, Elpheba's Defying Gravity was hair rising and perky Glinda (with a silent GA) had this amazing chemistry with everyone she interaced with. As a good card carrying gay man Fiyero did fill my cutie quota for the night; Kristoffer Cusick made the whole experience worth the drive to and from LA.
All my platonic loves come rushing back to my memories as I listened to "As Long As Your Mine" and "For Good" made me cry as it defined my relationship with most people I care about or would like to keep in my life.
I am definitely going to see this again.

1 comment:

normanrey said...

So that was you bawling in the theater... ;-)