Monday, June 25, 2007

The Chick Flick Experience

Usually I shrug and roll my eyes with esoteric mumbo jumbo spewed when someone tells me that with a change of attitude you can turn anything around in life. Following my previous blog I did just that, changed my perspective and attitude towards meeting people. Shedding off all the "bad habits" acquired by the last 5 years of bachelorhood in SoCal.
Yes, I met this wonderful person last Friday, and what usually would've been a simple coffee conversation turned into 3 1/2 hrs of laughter and flirting. It was so refreshing that we ended up spending the whole weekend together. Cheese and Wine, Movies (Keri Russll's The Waitress ) and a walk holding hands sipping a venti nonfat latte. You know the whole chic flick experience. Last night we saw the movie 300.. The movie Sarah Silverman said was named that way because in a scale from 1 to 10 on how gay it was... it was a 300.
Of course I couldn't leave without a tear jerking video by Spanish Diva Ana Torroja:

Friday, June 22, 2007

All you need is love

I have decided from weekly introspection to change my attitude towards meeting people, well I think it is more of a returning to the attitude I brought from Chile before I was SoCalisized. This shift was provoked by rewatching a movie that melted my defenses and energized all my puerile crushes of years gone by.... Moulin Rouge. "Love is a many splendid thing love..." were the word uttered by hunky Ewan McGreggor that resonated with my inner Latin lover.
Perusing the Internet I came across Cheyenne Jackson, cuddly and hunky out actor of Broadway who did a very cute performance of The Elephant Love Medley with Jai Rodriguez. So, I started being less fickle and meeting people for coffee and movies without having sex or dating in mind. I have so many prejudice of what a guy must look, how much post high school education he must have and if he doesn't know how to pronounce my name with the rolling rrrrs and all. I have to admit it has been quite liberating and I have met very interesting people. Although I love the chorus and it fills my life, I have to expand my circle of people because I truly believe that online or clubs is not where I am going to meet that shower singing partner that I have been rehearsing for so long.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Do I Disappoint You? - Rufus Wainwright

This is from Rufus Wainwright's latest cd, the video is an amateur interpretation... I just felt speechless when I saw it.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Flames to Me

Well, I couldn't help myself and took a "friend" to see Fantastic 4: Rise of The Silver Surfer last night. I can't say it was awesome, although the 1 minute shirtless scene of Chris Evans coming out of the shower was worth the $10.50 all by itself. It was an improvement from the first installment, probably because we got all the genesis of the group out of the way. As I mentioned before that Spidey 3 was overwhelmed by subplots this flick was lacking a little in the writing department. One thing that did bother me was Jessica Alba's fake blue contact eyes, they really looked fake and together with the very bad blonde coloring I had to wish they did a Shear Genius with her.

Special effects were awesome peaking during the last fight between Doom and Torch. I would tell anyone who is a scifi freak like me to go and see it (and those lusting for Chris' hairy trimmed pecs). I will wait for the 3rd sequel as all of them have signed for three movies.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Travis : Sing

I was just shown this song from a group I had not heard before... vey interesting

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Listening to some oldies and thinking ahead in the choreography of our Diva concert coming in July I started thinking of my favorite Madonna Vogue renditions. These are my favorite 3;
Of course number 1 is the MTV presentation

#2 is The Girlie Show Tour version

and finally The Re-Invention Tour

Monday, June 11, 2007

Roseline is not just a plot device

Last Saturday a group of us from GMCSD went to see a play called Bunbury at the Diversionary Theatre, one of the best theatrical experiences I have had in a long time.

It all started with a nice pre show dinner at Park House Eatery including Ralph, Ed Fink, Carroll and yours truly.
Of course it wouldn't be a real chorus cultural outing if the waiter/bus boy wasn't just drop dead hot. It made it quite easier to wait for an excessively long time for our dinner to be served. As some of you may know when we went to see Wicked I was given a drool bucket because our waiter (Rory..yes I remember),hmm.. how can I explain it, had incredible calligraphy and loved animals. Fortunately, I had an extra bucket because Ed just can I put it... star struck. He was so distracted that when our food finally came he started complaining that his was very spicy, no matter what he did the "caliente" just didn't go away, trying to cut out the outer layers of his pork and double dipping it in the "dark ranch sauce?" he had in his plate didn't seem to work. Fortunately Mr Bus Boy disappeared from the scene as Ed finally realized 3/4 of his plate gone, that the dark sauce was not ranch but a very Spicy Mole. God Bless ya!!

Finally we got to the play, there were approximately 17 of us, as usual Ralph had nice locations right in front of the stage. Nobody warned us that there would be nudity in this play, I'm still wearing an eye patch until the ophthalmologist can take Aaron Markote's gluteus maximus that I still have stuck in my eye. wow...JLO watch out!!!. The whole plot revovoled arround two characters...sorry plot devices, Roseline (Romeo and Juliet) and Bunbury (Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest) and how they changed literature by altering the endings of various masterpieces of the word. There are many references to known works (The Portrait of Dorian Gray, Goodbye Mr. Chips, Who's Afraid of Virigina Woolf) and dark pieces (well dark for this Latinamerican Literature disciple). I would give this play my best rating, 7 thumbs. The acting of Bunbury (David McBean) is out of this world and by itself worth the money. Coming Next... Avenue Q!!!!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Pre Bunbury dinner

Ed and Ralph harassing the busboy at Park House Eatery

Friday, June 08, 2007

Paris and Cravings

I am as shallow as the next gay guy, don't be fooled by my good boy glasses and my laptop full a SPSS biostatistical output. This whole Paris Hilton fiasco is just way beyond my tolerance of superfluous input. After seeing that spoiled brat crying after the judge, rightfully so, told her to get her skinny ass back to jail to finish her 45 day sentence. I mean if Martha Stewart was able to spend all her sentence in jail and make the best of it why can't this woman/girl do it. I really am surprised how this issue just takes up 70% of all the medias attention when we have the president appointing an anti-gay physician/preacher to be the nation's Surgeon General, or how there are only 2 hotties in the top 20 finals of If You Think You Could Dance. I am not sure who I like most, Kameron or Pasha of course I am talking about dancing attributes.

Next week I am going to audition for 2 songs for the chorus, Constant Cravings from K.D. Lang and Bernadette Peters' Time Heals Everything. I am not sure which one of those two songs I emotionally engage more but I will be annoying my roommates for the next few days while a rehearse them in the shower.

I just learned that there is a biopic of Edith Piaf coming out June 15th and also the sequel to Nightwatch at the Ken... being the musical whore and scifi bitch that I am... time to come up with some dinner/movie dates in the next few days.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Ass man

What can I say...moblogging from Twiggs I just can't let this beautiful derrier go unshared

I should not let time pass by without writing something on here, being the information junkie that I am. My memory cells get saturated with info and if I let time go buy hot men and showtunes replace other valuable non shallow data.
See what I mean ---------------------------------->

The past week was a very eventful week, job wise I am a step away from a new UCSD appointment to do research in cardiology: Ultrasound assesment of endothelial-dependant flow-mediated vasodilation of the braquial artery in hypercholesterolemic patients and hyporesponders to ezetamibe. Sexy right!!!

Friday I got together with my dear friend Cecilia, compatriot and colleague who is getting married in a few weeks ( I know, straight people still do that) since her fiance was in Vegas in a "spiritual retreat" I took her to Top of the Park for her first fag hag outing. She has a blast with "All the Hot men are gay" nuh uh I told her we would give her half the people we know if she gave us Jake Gyllenhaal. We were supposed to go bowling for a chorus outing but the queen forgot to call beforehand and 5 minutes before the event some of us were warned that the whole place was reserved for a private party. booo
I ended up going to Bourbon Street with Frankie, I had not been there in 4 months, I actually danced my brains out and got pretty lucky. :)

To end the week in a nice and healthy way Norman, Matt and I went to Balboa to have a nice Sunday in the Park with Mito. We made constructive criticism of our acquaintances and we played Uno ( there is something about that game that brings the evil bitch in the holiest of us).

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Lunching with mija

Having lunch with Norman at Taste of Italy and blogging from the cell phone