It takes two to Tango, and just one to say NO

A friend of mine posted a note on facebook in relation to Rev. Warren giving the invocation on Inauguration Day that generated some replies from others, this motivated me to go back on memory lane and also start writting in my blog again. One phrase from these replies stuck out to me.
Although I am a Catholic Gay Left-Handed Latino (talk about a minority, and other left-handed would agree), I always have had trouble with the word Faith used in a non-religous context. Faith means not asking questions and a blind trust of some idea or entity that works in the spiritual personal realm but in politics and policy-making it just leads to reckless decisions (Hello Bush anyone?) and a sense that you don't need to explain your actions. I don't believe Obama is homophobic or that he plans to send all gay people to Guantamo, but this Warren issue was an unforced error that hurt me as a gay man and as an American. For the secular population this may just be a political move, but understand that half the globe and most Latin America is going to be watching the religious aspect of the ceremony, and what are they going to say? "You know who is giving the "blessing?" it is this "pastor" who by the way, believes gay people are pedophiles, and that anyone who disagrees with him are a bunch "Christophobes". WOW way to set the tone for your goverment and to be a world leader.
I am tired of being the odd family member that is left in the cellar for the official family gatherings, a la Alberto Blest Gana's "El Loco Estero". I am all about inclusion and being the bigger person (and God knows I have fought for it) and waiting for my turn, when is it my time then?