nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine BC

Why or why,
Sometimes I think movie producers think the average movie goer lives in a bubble world in total disconnect with World History and unable to follow more than one plot line at a time. If they are going to campaign against pirating and promote forking more and more money to sit in a barely comfortable seat for a zillion seconds for just a hint of FX and an extreme suspension from reality, they are going to wake up in a bootleg world very soon.
This flick had the potential to be a fun loosely fact checked movie, á la The Day After Tomorrow. But no, once they start the first 5 minutes explaining to the audience that the whole premise is going to revolve around a pre-historic Love Story (without the cancer) you better have a sure exit plan because you will be going to the bathroom more than once. Between the incredibly sharp goatees these men had before Gillette was founded to the amazing idea that the only tribe that spoke a different language where the white grungy D'les, while all the black tribes spoke the same common
A Sabre-Tooth that just because the main character saved him from drowning was now his BFF and at the end only appeared for 2 seconds on the next frame.... waist of crappy CGI.
I have to say the most annoying thing of the movie was the old lady leader of the tribe... she almost died every 5 minutes... OMG 'mam die already... didn't you know that the life expectancy in those days was around 30 not 300.
Geography was lost here tooo... snowy mountains that lead to a desert and a "river" ( I can only assume it was the Nile). Last time I checked the Nubians were to the South of the Egyptians (also considering that the Egyptian culture is from 5000 BC not 10000) and finally DOMESTICATED mammoths????
Guys... only rent this movie if your Netflix queue is empty.
1 comment:
wow.....all this because I LOVED this movie. I cannot wait for the sequels and the prequel.......
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