Thursday, November 09, 2006

Well what a better way to start this blog with the best news this year after Jake Gyllenhaal's Oscar nomination (hehehe i can be shallow too)... Democrats take over Congress, I was up till 4:30 AM counting every vote in Virginia and Montana. The icing on the cake was Santorum buh-bye.

All Hail Queen Nancy Pelosi, Speaker elect... just hear O'reilley's and Rush's head exploding.

On other matters, it's been a week since John and Raúl left for a month leaving me their babies to take care... here is my first week update. The only one who still has not succumbed by my charms is Butter. I will win him soon hehehe</P>

Monday, October 23, 2006

So much so little time,
It hasn't been laziness or lack of interest in the blogging habit... these last past weeks have been a swirl if events ranging from career change opportunities to a weekend in Palm Spring, in between my intrinsic fascination with current politics and I am swallowing every single poll there is out there. I have even been lurking right wing blogs and watching the "sexy" Bill O'reilly just to see what these loons are talking about and how they justify all the scandals the GOP has been suffering lately. I mean I do wonder with more lefty but reading that is like preaching to the converted. I think the last time I was so politically charged was in 1988 when we outed Mr. Pinochet in Chile. ufff what a rush.
Other interesting event was my chorus' annual retreat to Palm Springs, what a delight. and I even found a female admirer.
I know now that that I have options to go the dark side of straight hood are open.
On a shallow note... I am in love with the 2 older brothers in the ABC show "Brother's & Sisters" one is gay (TV gay) the other straight... talk about a nice sandwich.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The silent Gay in Republican... well, putting all the psychodrama and sexual scandal aside, this PageGate situation with the republican congressman from Florida really blew our stale minds away. I can't believe someone can be that stupid in this day in age to actually exchange not so subtle emails with underage pages. I mean c'mon Republicans of all people should know all communications can be traces, intercepted, tapped, etc... Shame on you for you reproachable behaviour, double shame for being stupid and finally shame to the eight power for not being as smart as former NJ Governor McGreevy and make a public coming out story. You could've landed the sympathy of a few folks and a book deal.

Monday, September 25, 2006

My Own Little Miss Sunshine Last week I saw this amazing movie, "Little Miss Sunshine" it has the same feel good suprise that My Big Fat Greek Wedding had. A sure indy sleeper, with incredible acting, interesting plot and a smart direction. This is one of those flicks you buy the DVD right when it comes out. Being the anal person that I am, here is the music video
I recomend everyone I know to go and fork out 10 bucks to go see this movie, and remember me for Oscar season. Soundtrack very soothing, great for second date cuddling. I'll try it out this week see if I can catch something :)

Friday, September 22, 2006

A Grey's Anatomy Lesson I have to admit I am addicted to this tv show. Love the drama, the medical components and the eye candy. Since Batman & Robin, Chris O'Donnel has been the star of many many of my x rated dreams (I know TMI). After watching last night season premiere of GA I have rekindled my love for this man ( sorry Jake Gyllenhall). I don't care what everyone say, Batman needs his robin.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

you know you are getting old when the singers/groups you liked when you were young experiment a so called "revival"... I mean were they dead? I was browsing youtube as usual and came across the new and IMPROVED Bananarama... The good thing is they haven't changed the format of their videos, hot men as usual. Good for them and for us, children of the 80s.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Viva Chile Mierda!!!! Feliz fiestas patrias compatriotas . ATM IMAO, IDK if ITRW people would understand me talking like this. I was watching this teen flick "Bring it On III" and I was amazed of how many people speak IM, you know the online lingo used when chatting with 10 people at the same time and you need few letters to equal a love poem. Being the grammatical freak that I am, specially in spanish, it took me a while to concede defeat to this cultural wave. BTW this is the link for online lingo so you can read my first sentence.
On another very peculiar note, last night I was perusing online at adam4adam doing research :) when someone emailed me asking me about my line of work. I replied in a sort of "wow that is a new line". Well, after back and forth emails I ended up sending my resume to this very nice (and cute) guy. Just goes to show you how life sometimes has interesting twists and turns, you just have to be open to decipher those little hints destiny gives you. TTYL

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Last night I had a blast. John and Raúl took me to see a movie under the stars. Yes, like in the olden days of yore drive-in style movie without the drive. You see a movie in the open air, sitting in 0 gravity seats (sort of) enjoying a big screen of fun. We saw Network, classic movie with goddess Faye Dunaway,the movie was incredible. Can you believe that it lost an Oscar to ROCKY!!!! can you even start to compare the cheekbones of Faye to the crooked smirk of Sly? well maybe there was something about him in those days, but Oscar nomination??
Trivia alarm: Peter Finch became the first actor to win an Oscar posthumously.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wow, what a nice way to start the day then with the news of Whitney and Bobbie filing for divorce. You have to understand that I blame mr. Houston for the fallout of my dear "friend". She has an angelical voice, a powerfull stage presence and incredible figure, not like other screachy glitter girls. *cough* Mariah *cough*. Good for you whitney, we are all waiting to exhale.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'm here... yes at the chorus office AGAIN. Daniel butching it up while I do the more blue collar work with the computers. Today I finished the last retouches on the Wikipedia entry of Madame Berney (mom :) ) check it out. Wikipedia has turned out to be my latest obsession, it is a fun way of leaving tidbits of yourself for posterity. That of course if your entries or edits last more than a thought in Bush's mind. I started with this whole debate on Pluto's planet status, I never imagined how ugly it could get with science driven individuals trying to get their point across. I am all about debate... I love being Devil's advocate.
Finally for your enjoyment this funny weatherman

well, I just got back an hour ago from the chorus office... yawn... set up the pcs and the internet. Let's see how long it takes me to fall asleep, I am forecasting no work tomorrow. Same ole same ole at adam4adam.

Monday, September 11, 2006

It's almost 10 pm and here I am at the chorus office (GMCSD) helping Daniel to setup the internet in the office... this volunteer work is taxing lol. Fortunately the office is coming out very nice, I will post pic later to see the gayification (even more) of the space. Au Revoir

Just got back from lunch with a couple friend of mine... we share laughs about the shollowness and trivialities of life. Raúl and John have just moved from NYC to sunny San Diego. They have their blog space at Swanky Journal if you pay attention to the main picture of John eating Raúl's ear... it was taken by yours truly... I am still waiting for my royalties.

I have decided today September 11, 2006 that if I ever want to start writting my memoirs that a good place to get things rolling is with a blog of my neverending random thoughts. I found this clip from Falsettos that made me want to start writting.

It does make you wanna grab that platonic love and tell him once and for all...
oh, by the way.... I am gay.
