I should not let time pass by without writing something on here, being the information junkie that I am. My memory cells get saturated with info and if I let time go buy hot men and showtunes replace other valuable non shallow data.
See what I mean ---------------------------------->
The past week was a very eventful week, job wise I am a step away from a new UCSD appointment to do research in cardiology: Ultrasound assesment of endothelial-dependant flow-mediated vasodilation of the braquial artery in hypercholesterolemic patients and hyporesponders to ezetamibe. Sexy right!!!
Friday I got together with my dear friend Cecilia, compatriot and colleague who is getting married in a few weeks ( I know, straight people still do that) since her fiance was in Vegas in a "spiritual retreat" I took her to Top of the Park for her first fag hag outing. She has a blast with "All the Hot men are gay" nuh uh I told her we would give her half the people we know if she gave us Jake Gyllenhaal. We were supposed to go bowling for a chorus outing but the queen forgot to call beforehand and 5 minutes before the event some of us were warned that the whole place was reserved for a private party. booo
I ended up going to Bourbon Street with Frankie, I had not been there in 4 months, I actually danced my brains out and got pretty lucky. :)To end the week in a nice and healthy way Norman, Matt and I went to Balboa to have a nice Sunday in the Park with Mito. We made constructive criticism of our acquaintances and we played Uno ( there is something about that game that brings the evil bitch in the holiest of us).
One of Those Days
It’s one of those days when you feel like you ought to be doing something
but don’t really have the drive to move. It has been alternately rainy and
4 hours ago
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