Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sloppy Seconds

I saw this movie at home the other night, you know those nights when there is absolutely NOTHING to see on the stupid box. I thought it was time to grab one of my gay flicks from my "to see" list. There are some movies with the homo thematic that assume that just because it has man on man love scene we LGBT members should just run and see it. Well, we do. We do it for the same reasons we go see every single Broadway musical adaptation into movie, we buy every Cher, Xtina, Madonna and Kelly CD before listening the them.... to keep them coming.

Seriously, some of these movies don't even try, they just grab a bunch of hot straight actors who are "comfortable with their sexuality" that are hoping that they will be the next Jack Twist or Ennis Del Mar. This movie, Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds" (yes, a SEQUEL), is about this gay lonely average looking gay guy (American Idol alumni Jim Verraros) who is dumped by his "out of your league hot" boyfriend Marc (Brett Chuckerman, look at those eyes Daniel-pic #1). Of course he and his pair of nymphomaniac fag hags have the same art class.... and guess who is the male model for the day, sexually confused Troy (Marc Dapper- Sorry Matt he IS mine). To get into Troy's pant they join into a Coming In group of ex gays where they meet Octavio (Adrian Quiñones) and we have the trio of male hunkiness needed to make a gay flick...well, gay.

At the end it turns out that after making Marc jealous with Troy (and Troy discovering he is bisexual....ehmm yeah) Jim Verraros ends up with Marc and they live happily ever after. I would not call this the worst gay movie ever.... but definitely worth it if you have a friend who has the DVD because the pseudosex scene between Marc and Troy is really HOT, and I know about hot scenes on the screen. ;)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ay Dios Mío!!!

Anyone who knows me can attest that I just love men in cloth. Repressed Catholic urges? My admiration for his willpower to be chaste? I wasn't abused by my Priest when I was a kid?
I came across this thought after going to Mass on Sunday with David, after a long absence from church, and seeing this advertisement for sexy priests calendar.
Going deeper into my Id I can probably discover that all these emotional symptoms of infatuation with unavailable men can be somehow explained by what my therapist told me 12 years ago: I had an incapacity to love.
It isn't as terrifying as it sounds, although nobody warned ME about that when he just splashed it at me. What we discovered together is this fear of being hurt and left alone. I create all these expectations that are so hard to fulfill. So, to avoid being disappointed, men who are unable to engage in a relationship (married, vows) are easy target for my affections. I don't have to worry about being hurt because it will never sublimate
beyond a crush or an affair. I've tried to let go of those impulses to pursue normal "healthy" flirtations. As expected, I loose interest. Now before y'all label me as an emotional stunted Hobbit, I have to mention that I have been in relationships, and very mature ones too. The problem is that as I grow older and " wiser" the list of Dos and Donts just increases leaving less space for spontaneous spur of the moment flings.
It could also be that THE person just hasn't shown up, I admire those who can just meet a guy and shackle up after 3 weeks. I am just waiting for someone who shows up with a dozen daisies at my doorstep ( and real flowers please... sorry you know who) and invites me to go to Ramona to see the shooting stars on a blanket and a thermos with coffee.
Until then, I'll just confess myself with Padre Patricio on the left.

Friday, August 17, 2007

ATWT 8-17-07: The K iss (Short Excerpt)

I don't watch Soap Operas but this was televised today... first teenage gay kiss in tv daytime history

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rufus Wainwright - Rules and Regulations: Closed Captioned

And my Rufus has a new video. His Melancholy is so sexy, I definitely dig that in guys.


Last week I went to see The Simpsons Movie with Daniel and Mateo. I have been a fanatic of the show since I can remember. In Chile it was shown very very late at night because of the "adult" language. My fan status can be proven with the simpsonized picture of myself on the left done on a website call SimpsonizeMe.
There are few thing in life that can catch my attention beyond 90%. Actually, Matt said it the other day, I have the attention span of a humming bird. True, I can't deny it. Little to late to take Ritalin ( or maybe not). Well, I usually do multiple thing at a time while watching TV, but when The Simpsons are on I just wiggle my tail and sit with my puppy eyes watching the stupid box. Why? I think the main reason I enjoy it is of its subtle but in-your-face criticism of our society with multiple uses of pop culture references. Those obscure jokes that only the hardcore trivia junkies laugh at. Besides that I can relate so much with Lisa Simpson, the studious over achiever goody two-shoes that believes in the goodness of humanity and in eternal search of the "perfect boy".
I would normally get irritated by Homer's stupidity and laziness. Somehow he finds a way to make me empathize and take his side. I mean how can you get mad with someone who saves a pig from being slaughtered and makes up a song for him. Spider Pig...Spider Pig.
Homer is right, how foolish it is for someone to pay to see something he can see for free on tv.... but, isn't foolishness what makes us attractively human and not a cartoon?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

We are ALL just Stardust...

Last weekend I went with Wes to see the movie Sunshine. I admit it was mainly because it had two things I enjoy in a big screen: Scifi and Chris Evans. To my surprise the movie had a very well woven plot with many philosophical messages. When you go see these type of movies you have to put the hardcore science aside and submerge yourself with the premise of the flick. The whole story happens 50 years in the future. Our Sun is "dying out" there is no apparent explanation for this as we all know the Sun will not die of natural reasons for another 5 billion years. So we are left with the idea that "something" happened maybe some sort of Q-Ball hit it.

What did strike me throughout the whole movie is how small and vulnerable we are compared to the immense space. Humans had to use all fissable material from earth to create these two stellar bombs with their respective ships. The bombs were the size of Manhattan and even that in stellar size is minuscule. This bomb has to be dropped into the Sun and "reignite" it. The meat of the movie relies on the journey and not on the mission per se. As we reach the climax of the story one of the character quotes Carl Segan and says "We Are All Just Stardust", I was amazed how this resonated to my Catholic self.
Sometimes I find spiritual/religious meanings in the most random places. Being an out gay man people assume I am just an atheist sex machine with no moral or spiritual compass. Maybe I do project that to make myself more "unreachable" and theoretically not prone to disappointments. On the other hand people who really know me can see how far from the truth that premise is.
As we watch the news and read the headlines about all the trivial things that happen around us I ponder on all the reason we find to compartmentalize ourselves; race, sexual orientation, nationality or political affiliation. In the end aren't we all made up of the same leftover molecules from millions of years ago. Maybe love is just that... you meet someone whose molecules come from a star that was orbiting the supernova your stardust came from and your gravities just want to get back together.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Girls Night Out

Last night a group of friends got together for a "girls night out"... It was one of the funniest gatherings I've had in a while. You know, when you don't have to worry about impressing the date or watching that you don't sound to aloof or to clingy. It was Yudi, Brent, Eric, Jeff and I. The conversation went from pop culture to men type. It always amazes me how different people have such diverse taste in men, in a sense it is comforting. I guess the real dilemma is that you have to find a guy that is your type AND at the same time YOU are his type.

After dinner we grabbed our asses and went to MO's to check out the crowd, we ran into many chorus divas line dancing their hairdos away. I have never line danced or 2 stepped or anything remotely close to white choreography. Well, they started teaching a new choreography and I said "why not" I grabbed Brent's hand and we all went to learn it. Wow, and I thought vogueing was hard... I never felt so "white" learning the new steps, next time I will not wear flip-flops and I will arrive at 6 to learn the moves beforehand. This is happening again, I am having a good time doing fun group stuff...Board games and spin the bottle are coming next.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Beam me up Sexy

One of the best news coming out of Comicon last week was that Sexy Sylar from Heroes, also known in private as Zachary Quinto is going to protray a young Spock in the next Star Treck movie which will be a prequal of The Original Series. There are rumors that Mr. Robbie Williams is been sought to play young Kirk. OK... producers what are you trying to do... the first gay scifi? I mean Star Treck is pretty gay in a geeky sort of way, adding these hunks is just going to make me want to learn Vulcan shan-hal-lak !! (look it up). BTW Zachary is a name I would use for my kid.