Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hillary's Closes at the Presidential Debate in Texas
This is why I voted for Hillary...
made my skin crawl.
Posted by
El Mito
7:52 PM
Barack Obama: There Will Be Bamboozling
I want to like Obama...but for some reason I just can't... I feel BAMBOOZLED
Posted by
El Mito
2:52 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
night and day
Ok... Nothing like an awesome song with clips of hot men to make a day SO much better
Posted by
El Mito
1:49 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Jumping Spiderwicks
Do you remember those good old days at the beach when you could go to the movies for a double feature and super sized pop-corn ( you know, before some smart ass told us how many carbs those exploded corn puffs had), and enjoy a "slightly" passé movie for not much money? Well this last weekend I went down memory lane and repeated those adventures of yesteryear, well.... without the carb-corns, the movies were just released and the price was not a deal (we did see one of the flix in IMAX). This whole incident got me thinking of the whole movie going experience per se and how it has changed during my lifetime. Besides the fact the movies and movie theatres have changed dramatically, I think this only accounts for about half of the experience. We, as spectators, also change during time... we are less impressionable and more cynical. I can remember that just hearing the overwhelming pre-Dolby-surround-digital-7.2 analog sound made my skin crawl; colors and surreal worlds made me quiver. I was happy with just a consistent plot and likeable characters. People would sit down without excited and not talk or eat loud from credits to credits. I personally believe that there is some sort of "been there- seen that" attitude.
Posted by
El Mito
5:31 PM
Thursday, February 07, 2008
My Endorsement 2008
Some of you may know that I am very politically active and love a good debate, checking polls every day and reading right and left-wing blogs. It may be that almost all my formative years where spent under chilean Dictator Pinochet, with no Democracy and no electoral process. In 1988 I was swept by the political winds of change trying to remove our self-crowned King and finish 16 years of authoritarian rule.
When I returned to the US in 2000 it was right a month after the General Elections that had the legal battle between Bush/Gore. I was very taken aback by the intensity and furor of the political process. This didn't last long.... during the last 7 years I have seen how a bad choice can REALLY take a whole nation from the global leadership and admiration it had for decades to a position of international pariah and economic blunder.
Although both Democratic candidates (it goes beyond saying that the Republican bunch is totally undesirable) have there pros and cons, and they pretty much are very similar on policy issues... I have chosen the experience and Health Policy of Hillary Clinton over the Hope and Charisma of Senator Obama. I think Barrack has a promising future ahead of him and he WILL be the President of the US in a 8 years from now. He just needs to play with the political system for a while. We all know how ugly the general elections can get.... HILLARY '08!!!
Posted by
El Mito
3:11 PM